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Showing posts from June, 2009

Congress 2.0

“Web 2.0” technologies (like blogs, wikis and social networking sites) can be identified by their emphasis on dynamic content and user participation, as opposed to the more static websites that populated the early years of the World Wide Web. Although the term “Web 2.0” is now a decade old ( original coinage ), the technology continues to gain traction among all segments of the population. In February, marketers noted that Facebook ’s fastest-growing demographic was women over the age of 55 . One such Facebook user is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose official Facebook page communicates with constituents on political news and issues. Speaker Pelosi is just one of many politicos who have established a presence on social-networking sites. Other members of Congress have also embraced the popular micro-blogging service Twitter , including former presidential candidate Senator John McCain and former Senator-turned- President Barack Obama . Senators and representatives have also created Yo...

Help for the Bar Exam Countdown

With just one month until the July bar exams, test-takers often seek additional reinforcement of the materials learned in prep courses. Whether you need to brush up on only a few key subjects, or want an overview of the entire bar exam experience, the Goodson Law Library is here to help. Day 1: State-Specific Generally, the first day of the bar exam is devoted to state-specific essays and multiple-choice questions. The most useful resource for North Carolina exam takers is the North Carolina Board of Law Examiners site . This site offers past exams back to 2005 free for download, for those who would like a peek at the structure of state-specific essay questions. (Older essay questions are available in the library at the call number KFN7476 .N671; the latest exam available in print is 2003.) The North Carolina Bar Association has also prepared a brief guide to Drafting a Bar Exam Essay Answer (KFN7476.Z9 D73 2004), with tips and tricks for NC test takers. An updated version of this pam...

World Intellectual Property Report Now Available

Current members of the Duke Law community now have access to World Intellectual Property Report , a monthly newsletter of global developments in patents, trademarks, copyrights, and related topics. WIPR includes analysis of intellectual property legislation, case law, treaties and other news from all over the world. A “country index” allows quick access to news from particular places of interest; the European Union and World Intellectual Property Organization are also featured regularly. Access the WIPR current issues and article archive (back to 1997) through the BNA Publications Library ( ). You can choose to read or search the WIPR on-site or sign up for e-mail delivery of upcoming issues. Looking for more IP information? Our newly-updated Intellectual Property Law research guide ( ) now includes a link to WIPR, as well as recommended treatises, websites, and research strategies fo...

Lexis and Westlaw for Deferred Associates

Recent law school graduates face an uncertain future beyond the bar exam: many law firms have pushed back start dates for new associates. Depending upon the firm, recent hires might be waiting as long as January of 2011 to start their full-time legal employment. (See the Start Date Round-Up at Above the Law.) Many firms have offered a stipend which allows deferred associates to pursue full-time public interest work before beginning their employment at the law firm. The catch? Many nonprofit organizations rely on law student employees’ extended access to their LexisNexis and Westlaw educational accounts—not an option for recent grads, whose access expires by August. (See earlier blog post on extending access for the class of 2009 .) Fortunately, both services are aware of this problem, and have created programs to allow deferred or unemployed graduates to use their resources for pro bono work and job searching. LexisNexis’s ASPIRE program (LexisNexis Associates Serving Public Intere...

FedFlix, Preserving Your Tax Dollars at Work

Goodson Blogson readers are probably too young to have viewed the famous “Duck and Cover” filmstrip in elementary school, but most have likely seen it parodied on shows like The Simpsons and South Park . “Duck and Cover” was a 1951 production of the now-defunct Federal Civil Defense Administration, used to teach children the proper method to protect themselves during a nuclear attack. While it’s scientifically questionable whether hiding under a wooden desk or shielding oneself with newspaper would prove remotely helpful (as you can guess from this PG-13 rated South Park clip , the method definitely does not translate well to a volcano eruption), “Duck and Cover” had an undeniable impact on a generation of schoolchildren, and helped shaped public opinion during the Cold War. While 1950s propaganda like “Duck and Cover” are probably the most popular perception of government filmmaking, the federal government continues to produce a wide variety of films and video. Although some are di...

Finding U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs

The records and briefs of U.S. Supreme Court cases can be a valuable source of information for the legal researcher. Briefs filed by the parties (and by interested amici curiae , or “friends of the Court”) outline the arguments advanced by each side of the case. Materials from the record might also provide excerpts of trial-level transcripts and documents which would otherwise be time-consuming or expensive to obtain. In the Goodson Law Library, Supreme Court records and briefs have long been available on a microform set from 1920-present (Microforms Room, Level 1); many briefs (although not the complete records) are also provided on LexisNexis and Westlaw. Today we’re pleased to announce access to a new electronic resource which adds nearly a century of additional Supreme Court records and briefs to our collection, along with greatly improved search functionality. U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs, 1832-1978 ( ) provides the full ...