It may be hard to believe now, but in just a few weeks your final exams and papers will be a distant memory as you begin your summer job. Starting in May, many commonly-used legal research resources restrict student access over the summer , to help avoid the use of nonprofit educational passwords at paid summer employment. However, each service treats summer access a little bit differently, and there may be further variations for continuing vs. graduating students. Here’s your guide to summer database access. Bloomberg Law accounts are valid between school terms and for 6 months after you graduate. Your Law School Bloomberg account may be used for both academic and employment-related purposes, including full access to federal court filings from PACER (see our research guide ). If you do not already have a Bloomberg Law account, you may Request A Law School Account with your Duke email address. LexisNexis will provide unlimited access this summer to Lexis Advance , its next-genera...
News and Announcements from the J. Michael Goodson Law Library at Duke