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Exam Season Etiquette (and Safety)

The library is a busy place during finals. Study rooms are often booked solid 24 hours in advance, carrels are crowded, and tempers can flare. In order to keep our library peaceful, clean, and safe, here are a few gentle reminders:

Use of Carrels

Be considerate of your colleagues by making carrels available when you are not actively using them. Please place books or other personal materials on the upper shelf, or take them with you if you leave a carrel for any extended period of time. Items left in a carrel for a long period of time are subject to removal to the Law School's lost and found.

Want to store books in a carrel for a longer period of time? Bring the items and the carrel number to the Circulation/Reserve Desk-- by checking out items to a specific carrel number, this will prevent staff from removing and reshelving items. (Note, however, that this doesn't give you property rights to the carrel if you return to find the space occupied.)

Safety First

Exam season is prime time for thieves, and laptop thefts have already been reported in other campus libraries. PLEASE keep your valuables with you at all times in the library! If you must leave your laptop or other personal belongings for any amount of time (even "just a second"!), ask a trusted friend to watch your things while you are gone. Please also report any suspicious activity in the library to staff members.

Trash and Recycling

Large trash and recycling bins are available on every floor: near the center stairway on Levels 2-4, near the back elevator on Level 1, and near each printer station. During finals, an additional extra-large trash bin will be placed on Level 3 over the weekends. Please help keep our beautiful library clean!

We appreciate your cooperation. Please speak to a library staff member with any questions or concerns.