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Finals without Fear

Hard to believe that fall finals are just around the corner! As you prepare for a marathon of studying and essay-writing, fill in those outlines and clarify confusing concepts with the help of the Law Library. The Library offers access to hundreds of online study aids and supplements that can help you get ready for finals:

  • The West Academic Library Study Aids provides full-text access to hundreds of study aids, treatises, audio lectures, and flash card sets published by West Academic. Series available include Acing, Concepts and Insights, Hornbooks, Nutshells, Black Letter Outlines, Legalines, Sum and Substance audio, and many more.
  • The Aspen Learning Library (formerly known as Wolters Kluwer Study Aid Library) contains nearly 200 study aids published by Aspen Publishing. Available series include Examples & Explanations, Glannon Guides, Emanuel Law Outlines, and more.
  • Elgar Advanced Introductions to Law is a small but mighty collection of brief, accessible texts on over two dozen topics, particularly strong in comparative and international law.

Additional study aids are available in the library's print collection. Find titles and call number/locations by searching the Duke Libraries Catalog.

The Library collection also includes guides to studying for, and writing, law school examinations. The Law School Success handout in the online Orientation Packet describes a number of these titles in the Exam Preparation section. A catalog search for the subject heading "Law examinations -- United States" will return print and online book results with guidance for studying, outlining, and writing exam answers

Please note if borrowing print materials that items are subject to recall requests by other borrowers, and that demand is particularly high during exam period. As a result, your due date may be shortened, and you will be notified by email of any recall requests.

How else can the library help you prepare for exam period? Foam earplugs are available at the service desk to help you focus, courtesy of CALI. CALI also provides students with access to hundreds of online tutorials, free e-books, and other materials. Registration codes are available in Sidebar on level 3 (along with limited quantities of CALI's interlocking brick highlighters!), or via the download link with NetID and password.

For help with locating or accessing the materials described here, be sure to Ask a Librarian.