Friday, June 1, 2007

"Law Library Olympics": Director's Cut

If you missed the annual “DLSIS Day” celebration last November, take heart. “Law Library Olympics”, the “mockumentary” which was filmed for the Law Library portion of the multimedia event, is now available for viewing as part of the iTunesU initiative (

This nine-minute video takes you behind the scenes of the Library as three departmental representatives prepare for a rigorous national competition. Will their new coach motivate them to win after a humiliating defeat by their archrivals at UNC? Coach Dunshee says it best (”Probably not”), but these intrepid staffers prove that the real prize comes from striving to create the best law library that they can.

To download the video, you will need to have iTunes installed on your computer. Visit and select “Browse” to enter “Duke on iTunesU”. Select “Law” from the box of available schools in the right-hand side. The Law Library Olympics video is available under “Other Offerings”.

Be sure to watch this space near the beginning of the Fall 2007 semester for information about the next DLSIS Day celebration.