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Lexis and Westlaw Passwords

The start of a new school year brings the frequently-asked question: When do I receive my Lexis and Westlaw passwords?

LexisNexis and Westlaw are the leading electronic legal research services used in modern law practice. Individual passwords to both are provided free of charge to members of the Duke Law community. However, the distribution of passwords takes place at different times for different groups within Duke Law:
  • LLM students will receive Lexis and Westlaw passwords on their first day of LARWINT class.
  • New JD students will receive Lexis and Westlaw passwords on the first day of the research portion of LARW, during the week of September 8.
  • Law School faculty and staff may receive Lexis and Westlaw passwords at any time, although new hires must be confirmed with the Dean’s office before passwords can be issued. Inquire at the Reference Desk ( or 613-7121).

Please note that the terms of the library’s contract with Lexis and Westlaw require that academic passwords are used only for educational, non-profit purposes. The library is likewise restricted from distributing individual passwords to anyone who is not a current member of the Law School community. (Researchers outside the Law School are encouraged to use LexisNexis Academic, a campus-wide alternative to Lexis which offers much of the same content.)

If you already have a Lexis/Westlaw password, but have forgotten, misplaced, or are experiencing any technical trouble with them, contact the Reference Desk for assistance.

NOTE: The Law School community has access to other low-cost alternatives to Lexis and Westlaw, including Loislaw and CasemakerX. For details and the Loislaw registration code, contact the Reference Desk.