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All About the Unified Agenda

Today, the federal government released its spring 2009 Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (also known as the "Semiannual Regulatory Agenda"). The “Unified Agenda” fulfills a requirement set forth in the U.S. Code that federal agencies must provide updates each spring and fall of new rules which the agency expects to propose or finalize, along with reasons for issuing such rules and the agency’s expected timetable. 5 U.S.C. § 602.

From 1983-2007, the entire Unified Agenda was published in April and October issues of the Federal Register. Historic issues of the Agenda are available in HeinOnline’s Federal Register Library (from 1983), Lexis and Westlaw (from 1985); GPO Access (from 1994); and (from 1995).

Beginning in fall 2007, the Unified Agenda became a primarily web-based publication, available at the Regulatory Information Service Center ( The Federal Register version of the Unified Agenda now contains only “rules which are likely to have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities” as well as rules which are required for inclusion under the Regulatory Flexibility Act. The fall Agenda in the Federal Register also includes the entire Regulatory Plan.

Browse the spring 2009 Agenda highlights in today's Federal Register at, or access the entire Unified Agenda at