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Research Refresher 2012: What to Know Before You Go

Getting ready for your summer job? Law firms consistently cite research and writing ability among the most important traits in new associates. LARW provides the basic foundation, but real-world legal research can be vastly different from your experiences preparing a motion memo, appellate brief, or seminar paper. Are your research skills up to the challenge?

On Thursday, March 22, at 12:15 p.m., join research instructors Jane Bahnson, Marguerite Most and Kristina Alayan in Room 3037 for the Goodson Law Library’s “Legal Research Refresher: What to Know Before You Go.” The lunchtime session, co-sponsored by the Career & Professional Development Center, will introduce students to current awareness and litigation tools that are commonly used in real-world law practice, demonstrate how to navigate local court rules and dockets, and highlight low-cost research database alternatives.

As if the opportunity to hone your research skills wasn’t reward enough, the first 20 attendees will receive a “swag bag” featuring a 1 Gb flash drive, pens, highlighters (just in time for exam preparation), and other goodies, courtesy of Westlaw, LexisNexis, and Bloomberg.

Still hungry for more research insight before you head off to summer employment? LexisNexis and Westlaw will also continue their “Prepare to Practice” sessions on cost-effective research during summer employment through the first week of April. View the calendars and sign up for sessions on Lexis and Westlaw.