On Friday, December 4, the Duke University Libraries' Visualization Friday Forum series will host a lunchtime talk by medical illustrator and artist Jennifer McCormick, who creates courtroom exhibits designed to explain complex medical concepts to juries. (Sample case studies are available on her website, Art for Law & Medicine.) The event is co-sponsored by Duke Law School's Academic Technologies department and the Trent Center for Bioethics, Humanities & History of Medicine.
The Power of Intention in Art and Medicine
Jennifer McCormick • Art for Law & Medicine
Friday, December 4, 2015 | 12-1pm
Duke Hospital Lecture Hall 2003 (map)
Lunch will be provided
Additional details: Data and Visualization Services blog.
Medical evidence can be difficult to comprehend for jurors and attorneys alike. In addition to valuable demonstrative evidence by illustrators like Ms. McCormick, a number of resources are available to aid litigators who are handling a case involving medical issues. Continuing Legal Education (CLE) sessions often address medical topics, such as the 2006 ALI-ABA handbook Anatomy for Litigators (RA1053 .H63 2006) or 2010's Cross-Examining Doctors: A Practical Guide (KF8964 .R33 2010). Additional resources are available online to the Duke Law community, such as the treatise Attorneys Medical Deskbook (on WestlawNext) or Attorneys Textbook of Medicine (on Lexis Advance). Both of these reference works are intended to give practitioners guidance on topics like basic anatomy, calculating damages for specific injuries, and even how to read an autopsy report.
For more general research resources on topics of health and medical law, check out the Goodson Law Library's guide to Health Law or Ask a Librarian.
The Power of Intention in Art and Medicine
Jennifer McCormick • Art for Law & Medicine
Friday, December 4, 2015 | 12-1pm
Duke Hospital Lecture Hall 2003 (map)
Lunch will be provided
Additional details: Data and Visualization Services blog.
Medical evidence can be difficult to comprehend for jurors and attorneys alike. In addition to valuable demonstrative evidence by illustrators like Ms. McCormick, a number of resources are available to aid litigators who are handling a case involving medical issues. Continuing Legal Education (CLE) sessions often address medical topics, such as the 2006 ALI-ABA handbook Anatomy for Litigators (RA1053 .H63 2006) or 2010's Cross-Examining Doctors: A Practical Guide (KF8964 .R33 2010). Additional resources are available online to the Duke Law community, such as the treatise Attorneys Medical Deskbook (on WestlawNext) or Attorneys Textbook of Medicine (on Lexis Advance). Both of these reference works are intended to give practitioners guidance on topics like basic anatomy, calculating damages for specific injuries, and even how to read an autopsy report.
For more general research resources on topics of health and medical law, check out the Goodson Law Library's guide to Health Law or Ask a Librarian.