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Court Records & Briefs Research Guide Updated

The Goodson Law Library research guide to Court Records & Briefs has recently been updated. In addition to corrected web links and updated guidance to free and premium resources like PACER and Bloomberg Law dockets searching, the guide includes a number of new records and briefs compilations that were added since the last update. Some highlights include:

  • The Making of Modern Law: Landmark Records and Briefs of the U.S. Courts of Appeals, 1891-1980 features selected records and briefs from the U.S. Courts of Appeals dating from the 1890s to 1980. Drawn from a number of source libraries (including the National Archives, the New York City Bar Library, and the University of Iowa), featured cases cover a wide range of subject matter. The database is searchable by case name, citation, and keyword, and a "Topic Finder" feature is also available.
  • LLMC Digital has expanded its records and briefs offerings since the last guide update. Its Records and Briefs search tab (available from the Search Collections link on the Home page) now features historical state records and briefs from California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania, as well as federal records from the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals and the Appellate Case Files of the Supreme Court set of U.S. Supreme Court materials from 1792-1831. Note that party names and/or reporter citations must be entered carefully in this search feature: to view materials for M’Culloch v. Maryland (1818), a party name search for Mculloch or McCulloch would not work, and a citation search omitting the periods in 17 u.s. 316 would also fail.
  • Additional state court digitization projects have been linked, including for the Florida Supreme Court and Kentucky Appellate Courts.
Visit the updated Court Records & Briefs research guide to learn more about the available resources for finding filings from various courts, time periods, and formats. For help with locating needed items, be sure to Ask a Librarian