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Ease Your Bar Exam Anxiety

As the bar exam draws closer, the tension becomes palpable in the Law Library. Although Bar/BRI study materials and commercial outlines are, undoubtedly, more than enough reading material for the bar exam, the Library does have some additional titles which may provide insight on the experience, and perhaps even a bit of serenity:
  • Darrow-Kleinhaus, S. The Bar Exam in a Nutshell (2003). [On Reserve]
  • Friedland, S. The Essential Rules for Bar Exam Success (2008). KF303 .F75 2008
  • Walton, K. Strategies & Tactics for the MBE: Multistate Bar Exam (2003). [On Reserve]
Above all else, remember this: You know more than you think you do.

Good luck to all of our bar exam-takers in these last few weeks before the big day(s).