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New Look for the Library Catalog

We've previously reported on SearchTRLN, the mega-catalog of the Triangle Research Libraries Network (Duke, NC Central, NC State, and UNC-Chapel Hill) which allows you to see at a glance which area library owns an item and even to submit interlibrary loan requests directly from the search screen. As we mentioned in March, phase two of this project included the development of a customized local version of the SearchTRLN interface for the Duke community. The new catalog launches today, and will soon be the default view from the Duke University Libraries homepage (but not yet the Law Library homepage-- more on that in a moment).

The new catalog interface includes many features and functions:
  • single-click search refinement (limit your results by library, format, and more)
  • book cover image displays (where available)
  • the ability to save searches as persistent bookmarks
  • the ability to save/view searches as dynamically updated RSS feeds
However, as an unintended consequence of the Law School renovation's book storage, the new catalog interface also displays nearly all books from the Law Library and Law Library Annex collections as "Unavailable". While many Law Library materials are still in inaccessible storage during this last month of the renovation, the Annex remains stocked with thousands of titles available for checkout.

Please keep in mind this rule of thumb when looking at Law Library materials in the "new" catalog:
  • If the "Locations" line says "Law Library Annex"-- the item should be available on the shelf (unless it is checked out to another borrower, which will be clearly indicated); disregard the "Unavailable" message for Law Library Annex items.
  • If the "Locations" line says just "Law Library"-- the item is most likely in inaccessible storage for the remainder of the renovation (unless it is checked out to another borrower, and is thus subject to a recall or hold request).
Due to this technical issue, the Law Library will continue to link to the "classic" catalog interface for now, and likely until the remainder of the collection returns from storage (which will correct the erroneous display). Note that if you are using the new catalog interface, you may switch to the "classic" catalog at any time using the tabs at the top of the screen.

As always, talk to a Law Library staff member if you are unsure of the status of a particular title in the new catalog. We are happy to help.